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Item number: 77684


Single or double skin circular VAV terminal units are commonly used for return air applications or for supply applications at low system pressures. OPTIMA terminal units are ideal for single zone control with supply and return in Master and Slave setup such as offices, hotel rooms or meeting rooms where the required cooling and heating load will vary on demand.


• Damper tightness class 4 according to EN 1751

• Casing tightness class C according to EN 1751

• High measurement / control accuracy of 5 %

• Operating range of up to 1000 Pa

• Double skin version OPTIMA-RI with external isolation under steel sheet cover for noise reduction


VAV unit housing as well as the control damper blade is made from galvanized sheet steel. The duct connections and the damper blade are equipped by gaskets to maintain high air tightness. The dynamic pressure measurement probe consists from aluminum pipes connected to the pressure sensor by polyurethane impulse tubing. The insulated version OPTIMA-RI has 19 mm thick polymer foam insulation around the casing, covered by galvanized steel protection sheet.


The VAV controllers are as standard equipped by compact controllers/actuators with analog setpoint and feedback signals in mode DC 2 V … 10 V or DC 0 V … 10 V. The compact controllers are equally available with MP-BUS, MODBUS, BACnet and KNX communication capability. On demand as alternative, Gateway communication units can be provided and can be connected later in time to building management systems (only possible with MP-BUS communication on board). VAV compact controllers are factory calibrated as standard to the default air volume or upon request can be adjusted to site required settings prior to dispatch on Vmin and Vmax range. The air volumes can also be readjusted on site with ZTH-EU hand held service tool or, for the type OPTIMA…GO… by dials on the controller. If specific air volumes for Vmin and Vmax would be required, this must be indicated prior to order of the units for adequate calibration in the factory.

• BLC1: Belimo LMV-D3 compact controller with MP-BUS communication and analog 0 V … 10 V setpoint and feedback signals. NFC communication port is available for the device configuration by the “Belimo Assistant” smartphone application.

• BLC4: Belimo LMV-D3 compact controller without BUS communication and with analog 0 V … 10 V setpoint and feedback signals.

• BLC1MOD: Belimo LMV-D3 compact controller with selectable Modbus RTU and BACnet MS/TP bus communication, MP-BUS communication and analog 0 V … 10 V setpoint and feedback signals.

• BLC1KNX: Belimo LMV-D3 compact controller with KNX bus communication

• GOMOD: Compact controller with parametrizing dials and display for immediate adjustment on site, communicative via Modbus-RTU and with analog 0 V … 10 V setpoint and feedback signals.


Parametros tecnicos

Dimensiones y pesos
Peso 5,202 kg