392-14 EC Slimline White

Αριθμός αντικειμένου: 96805

The Slimline is a modern integrated cooker hood. It has LED lighting and glass in the extendable part that contributes to good working area at the stove. In inserted position, only the white painted front is visible and may optionally be replaced with a facing strip in stainless steel or aluminium (accessory). It´s construction and design allows for good odor extraction >75% at 165 m


/h (EN 13141-3:2017).

It comes with an adjustable ON/OFF damper. The Control panel for control of dampers and lighting is recessed in the withdrawable part's upper side.

The cooker hood delivers 1.6V to 10V (low, normal, max) control signal which is adjusted by three speed controller inbuilt in the cooker hood

The grease filter in aluminum can be removed with simple operation for cleaning in hot soapy water or in the dishwasher.

Σήμα ενεργειακής κλάσης

Κλάση ενέργειας, Τοπική απαίτηση
Material Declaration, BVB, Acceptable 0
Material Declaration, Sunda Hus, Level A or B 0

Τεχνικές παράμετροι

Χρώμα περιβλήματος
Χρώμα περιβλήματος Λευκό
Διαστάσεις και βάρη
Βάρος 6,9 kg
Images Dimensions - 392-14 EC Slimline White - Systemair